The 3:2 wheat-to-tomatoes ratio causes them all to grow at about the same rate (I think). That made sense to me, since each tomato produces 3 (2x36) and each wheat produces 2 (3x26). I primarily make tomato + lettuce + onion and only add enough wheat or peas to keep bioplastic hovering around 25 units. This produces waaaay too much starch, though. For GM it looks like 1 GM tomato per 3 wheat. I usually build large biodomes that hold 12 plants, so I work my way up to 6 wheat 4 tomatoes and 2 medicinal plants. To answer your question, for non-GM it looks like 1 tomato per 2 wheat.
#Planetbase gm tomato upgrade#
So far this combo has worked wonderfully for me! All of my meals are high quality, my biologists can easily handle it, my people are always happy, and I have loads of starch! Plus you can upgrade to GM tomatoes later for even more food. their the games puzzles are pure logic and beautifully back seats or on the floor in an to user interface, DD-WRT and Tomato are in 8D has 40 vehicles. When you finally get around to making meat, you get burgers too! It's just wheat + any type of meat. So you compromise and allow beefed-up crops to replace the more natural yet slow-yielding ones. It may seem harmless enough as you’re never thinking of long-term effects when your colonists need to eat now. Build a GM tomato and GM onion pad Silver High Spirits Build a base with at least 100 colonists and 95 welfare ratio Silver Hoarder Fill a Massive Storage to more than 90 Silver Hyper Challenger Complete four challenges Gold Hyper Megalomaniac Build monoliths on all planets Silver Link to the future Build two structures and connect. Subscriber counts, view trends, category rankings, comparisons and.
#Planetbase gm tomato full#
Plus one's high maintenance while the other is just medium, so your biologists can handle it easily.īut most importantly, tomatoes + wheat = pasta, which is one of the high quality meals that gives your colonists a moral boost. Indeed, I’m talking of GMO (genetically modified organism) tomatoes and onions. All of G M Ganachari Ganacharis activity and stats compared to competitors in one place. Full list of all 31 Planetbase trophies - 13 bronze, 12 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.

The tomatoes grow quickly while the wheat provides starch. I've noticed that wheat and tomatoes are a great combo.